My Secret Weapon? Audio Inspiration and Writing Podcasts

my secret weapon-

“Writing is a marathon, not a sprint.” But it certainly doesn’t hurt to get a shot of motivation every once and a while. The three podcasts below have helped me so much as a writer over the past few months. Whether you’re looking for plot development tips or general information about how to publish your work, these podcasts can work wonders. Next time you’re feeling a serious lack of motivation, just listen to one of the following podcasts for valuable information and writing inspiration.

Wordplay: Helping Writers Become Authors – K. M. Weiland’s podcast is based around writing methods and editing strategies. It’s focused on the writing process, not so much marketing or publishing. I always turn to her podcast when I’m struggling with editing a scene or before beginning an outline. Her podcast episodes made me reconsider everything from where a book ending should be set to how realistic my dialogue truly is. No matter what stage of the writing process you’re at with your MS, she’ll definitely help you improve your current draft. Some of my favorites: “Get Rid of On-the-Nose Dialogue Once and For All”  and “Most Common Writing Mistakes: Describing Character Movements” .

The Creative Penn – Joanna Penn’s podcast is wonderful for writers who want to learn more about the business side of writing. She’s a self-published entrepreneur who has great wisdom to share about the publishing industry. She covers everything from how current technology is affecting readers to the basics of marketing work. Penn also has a publishing news round-up in the beginning of each new podcast that keeps me learning more about the industry. If you’re interested in eventually publishing your novels, I recommend checking out The Creative Penn. Some of my favorites: “Die Empty. Managing Your Creative Rhythm” and “The Lion’s Gate, Fighting Resistance, and Mental Toughness for Writers”.

The Accidental Creative – This podcast is for anyone who considers himself or herself a “creative”. It’s not specifically aimed toward writers, but each episode is relevant for anyone who produces creative work on a day-to-day basis. Todd Henry covers some great ideas, such as daily practices that lead to long-term success (like writing all year) and the importance of meaningful time allocation. Think of this podcast as life coaching for the creative writer. Some of my favorites: “Your Intended Audience” and “The Dailies”.

All of the podcasts above release several new episodes each month, but there’s a ton of other writing and publishing podcasts out there which also update regularly. Know any other writing podcasts that inspire you? Feel free to share them in the comments below!

4 thoughts on “My Secret Weapon? Audio Inspiration and Writing Podcasts

  1. Thank you for the recommendations. I know of Joanna’s blog and I’m listening to The Accidental Creative now. Like you, I enjoy audios, so this is perfect. Cheers.

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